Cost is $400 for the first visit and $250 for subsequent treatments. Multiple treatments are generally required at two to three month intervals, but this will be determined on an individual basis.
All visible veins that you would like treated in a given session will be injected, but will be limited by the maximum amount of solution that is thought to be safe.
Pre- and post-procedure photography may be used to document your treatment progress. These photographs will be stored in your medical records and will not be used otherwise without your written consent.
Before your appointment
- One (1) week prior to your treatment do not take Vitamin E, Aspirin, Ibuprofen or non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (arthritis medication). If prescribed by a physician, please check with him/her before stopping.
- Do not drink any alcoholic beverages or smoke two (2) days prior to your treatment and two days after your treatment as this may impair the healing process.
- The day of your appointment, do not shave your legs. Shower and wash your legs thoroughly with an antibacterial soap. Do not apply any creams or lotion to your legs.
- Bring loose-fitting shorts to wear during the treatment.
After your treatment
- Immediately following your procedure, you will apply support stockings, brought with you to the treatment session. You will need to purchase these ahead of time. You need to wear these support stockings for one (1) week. Then wear stockings as instructed by your doctor. This is not optional – the stockings greatly increase the effectiveness of the treatment and reduce health risks.
- If you are traveling over thirty (30) minutes to the office, have someone else drive you, so you can move your feet around after your treatment.
- You will be able to maintain normal activities. Walk at least one (1) hour every day “the more the better”. However, avoid standing for long periods of time.
- Avoid strenuous physical activities such as high impact aerobics, running, abdominal crunches or leg lifts on gym equipment for one (1) week while wearing support stockings.
- Take showers rather than baths for two (2) weeks following your procedure. Cool your legs with cold water after each shower. You can wear support stockings during showers. It is okay if your stockings get wet.
- Avoid Vitamin E, Aspirin, and Ibuprofen for one week (if okay with the prescribing MD). Smoking and alcohol are strongly discouraged during the first two (2) days after treatment.
- Pigmentation is one of the most common risks of sclerotherapy and occurs in approximately 20 to 30 percent of patients. Compression stockings help to minimize the risk of pigmentation.
- Telangiectatic matting is the development of tiny vessels that appear around a treated vessel or group of vessels. This risk is higher in women taking hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills. While this typically disappears with time, treatment may be indicated for persistent matting.
- Edema (swelling) may develop temporarily after treatment. Wearing compression stockings can reduce this side effect.
- Bruising should be expected immediately after treatment, and may last several weeks.
- Pain is typically minimal during the procedure, but this is variable among patients. Aching may also occur for several days after the procedure and is usually minimized by use of compression stockings and walking. If pain does not subside with these, contact us immediately as this may be a sign of a blood clot in your leg.
- Vessel recurrence may occur with time, but usually what is perceived as a vessel recurrence is actually a new vein in the same general area. Compression stockings minimize this risk.
- Superficial ulceration, cellulitis and thrombophlebitis are possible, but much less common risks.