National Men's Health Month is the perfect time to raise awareness of men's skin health -and the importance of men seeking regular care from a dermatologist for annual skin cancer screenings and treatment for medical skin conditions. It's also a great time to educate men and their families about some of the skin treatments available that can help enhance the appearance, and overall health, of men's skin.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, melanoma (the most serious skin cancer) strikes men harder than women -by age 50, men are more likely than women to develop melanoma, and by age 65, men are twice as likely as women of the same age to get melanoma. The most important thing that men need to do when it comes to skin health is to check it regularly for any early warning signs of possible skin cancer -- including new spots or moles that itch, bleed or change color. If you notice anything suspicious during regular self-checks, have it examined by a board-certified dermatologist. In addition, it's critical that men (who are typically less likely to visit a doctor than women) make sure to schedule annual skin cancer screenings with a dermatologist -who can thoroughly check the skin from head to toe -- including hard-to-see areas.
To keep skin healthy, men should follow a daily skin care regimen that includes washing the face daily after exercising with a mild facial cleanser and lukewarm water (avoiding hot water and bar soaps that can dry skin), moisturizing daily (applying immediately after showering/shaving while skin is damp), exfoliating regularly, and taking care while shaving -being careful not to stretch the skin taut and using a moisturizing shaving cream. Most importantly, men should make sure to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ daily - applying sun protection to all areas of the skin that are exposed, including the scalp, ears, neck and lips.
As a dermatologist, I'm excited to help men keep skin healthy and enhance its appearance with some exciting new treatments and procedures. From laser skin resurfacing treatments to improve skin's texture with little to no downtime, to products that can stimulate collagen growth and help reduce the signs of aging, to treating dark spots on the skin (common as men age due to the cumulative effects of both sun damage and inflammation), there are more options than ever for men not only to improve the overall health of their skin, but improve its appearance through the years, as well.
So here's to your skin health, men -in June and all year long!
source: Simply Buckhead