You may have heard about microneedling - a minimally invasive treatment that is extremely effective in diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and improving overall skin tone and texture. However, what you might not have heard about are the many other ways that microneedling can help a variety of skin problems-including reducing the appearance of stretch marks, treating melasma and promoting hair growth in people with alopecia.
Microneedling uses tiny sterilized "microneedles" to make precise, microscopic punctures in the skin. This then stimulates the skin to go into repair mode and initiates the body’s natural healing process, causing the skin to create more collagen and elastin-resulting in a plumped, smoother skin texture. The procedure - which has little downtime - has been extremely effective in helping to tighten skin and improve elasticity to help skin look younger and healthier, as well as improving the appearance of scars and wrinkles. In my practice, I'm thrilled to offer patients microneedling with SkinPen® -- the first FDA-cleared microneedling device in the world, which works on all skin types/ skin tones and is clinically proven to safely and effectively fight the appearance of neck wrinkles and facial acne scars for ages 22 and up.
One of the things that excites me the most about microneedling is its use in treating melasma - characterized by patches of brown and/or blue-gray discoloration on the skin, and one of the most common, and difficult, skin problems to treat. As a dermatologist who not only sees so many patients with this condition -- and as a woman living with melasma myself -- I know personally how challenging it is to get rid of brown spots and discoloration that can make people feel self-conscious. Treatments commonly used to treat dark spots and sun damage, such as lasers, can make melasma worse -with the heat of the lasers sometimes causing even more pigment formation. Unlike lasers, microneedling does not use heat -- and through its clean, controlled, tiny punctures, triggers the skin's renewal process.
Since microneedling creates small channels into the skin, we can apply different topicals during a procedure to further enhance results - including using platelet rich plasma (PRP). Through this process, PRP from a sample of the patient's own blood is added to microneedling treatments to accelerate the healing process and further enhance skin rejuvenation.
When it comes to microneedling, the first step is to talk to a board certified dermatologist -who can help you decide if microneedling is right for you -- and help you navigate your way to healthier, younger-looking skin through this minimally invasive treatment ... with maximum results.
source: Simply Buckhead